Rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis)

Rosemary Plant Features

For gardeners and foodies alike, rosemary is a must-have plant. In the kitchen, its flavorful and fragrant foliage can be used in a wide variety of recipes. In the garden, rosemary offers beautiful blue-green pine-needle-like leaves and a constant supply of sky-blue flowers. In most of the country, rosemary should be grown in pots and planters that can be moved indoors once cold weather hits. But, in warmer regions, rosemary makes an outstanding hedge or specimen plant in the landscape, often growing 4 to 5 feet tall and wide. Rosemary is a sun worshipper and can be harvested whenever you need to clip a few leaves during meal preparation. That's why it's a good idea to have a pot or two by your kitchen door so you just step out and grab what you need. Rosemary comes in a variety of shapes and sizes including tall, narrow types to creeping forms that work well in a rock or wall garden. Rosemary flowers will also attract butterflies to our garden. And, the plant is deer resistant. Hardy from zones 8-10

Rosemary Questions?
Email us and one of our herb gardening experts will get back to you.

Rosemary Growing Instructions

Plant rosemary in a sunny spot that receives at least 6 to 8 hours of direct sun a day. It requires well-drained soil and will rot if forced to grow in wet places. If you are growing rosemary in containers use a commercial potting soil mix and water whenever the soil feels dry to the touch.

Indoors, rosemary will grow on a sunny windowsill, but the plants can dry out quickly so water a bit more often then you would if the plant was outdoors. Just be sure the water runs out of the bottom of the pot and the excess can be drained away so your rosemary never sits in water.

Note: We grow rosemary as an ornamental shrub and do not recommend our plants for human or animal consumption.
  • Water

    Medium water needs

  • Light

    Indoors: High light

    Outside: Sun

  • Colors


  • Special Features

    Attracts butterflies

    Colorful foliage

    Deer/rabbit resistant

    Fragrant flowers/foliage

Complement your Rosemary

Basil and Rosemary both love the sun and grow well in pots and planters.

Thyme and Rosemary are a good pair in the herb garden or containers.