Golden Crocodile Philodendron (Philodendron Golden Crocodile)

Golden Crocodile Philodendron Plant Features

We love Golden Crocodile Philodendron. This houseplant sports super-trendy golden-yellow foliage decorated with with deeply toothed edges. As the new leaves emerge, they have a bronze tint before turning golden yellow. Older leaves may become lime green as they mature.  

When it's young, your Golden Crocodile Philodendron can be used to great effect on bright desks, tabletops, or plant stands. It's cute when it's young, but as it matures, it grows into a majestic floor plant that's sure to be a focal point of your plant collection or home décor. 

If you provide it a support (such as a moss pole or totem) on which to climb, your Golden Crocodile can grow as a vine and can eventually start to climb. But it doesn't need to climb and you can enjoy it a lovely self-heading variety. Unsupported, your plant can become more than 3 feet across with leaves to 2 feet long or more over the years. 

While you might sometimes see it called "Ring of Fire Gold," Ring of Fire Philodendron has variegation, rather than evenly colored leaves like this. It's also sometimes called Golden Saw Philodendron. It's a sport (mutation) of Philodendron Ring of Fire. 

Buy Philodendron Golden Crocodile
Buy it online and have it shipped fresh from our farm, direct to your door from our online plant shop. Or find it in our Trending Tropicals® collection online or at your favorite local garden center. Check out a list of our retailer partners.

Golden Crocodile Philodendron Growing Instructions

Philodendron Golden Crocodile Light Needs

Like many other variegated houseplants, your Golden Crocodile wants a bright spot to thrive. That means a spot where it casts a moderate to strong shadow for most of the day. Ideally, this may be positioned within 3 feet of an east or west-facing window that receives some morning or afternoon sun. Don't worry if direct sunlight isn't available – you can use grow lights to supplement its needs.


Golden Crocodile Water Needs

Water your Golden Crocodile Philodendron as the top inch or two of the potting mix starts to dry to the touch. If it stays too wet for too long, the roots will suffocate and die, causing root rot. If you’re not sure whether your Golden Crocodile Philodendron needs watering or not, it’s typically best to wait. The plant holds up better to being too dry rather than too wet.
Note: Our Wick & Grow self-watering system makes watering easy as it provides your Philodendron with a small but consistent amount of water. This ensures your plant is never too wet or too dry if you use the system properly!


Golden Crocodile Humidity Needs

This beautiful Philodendron prefers average to above-average relative humidity levels indoors. In especially dry air, the leaves can sometimes have trouble unfurling and may come out deformed. If you’re afraid the air in your home is too dry for this houseplant, try augmenting humidity levels. One way to do this is to grow it clustered near other houseplants (plants release humidity into the air as they grow, so you can create a little humid zone). Or place it near a small humidifier. You can alternatively grow it in a display case or under a cloche or in a plant case.


Fertilizer Needs for Golden Crocodile Philodendron

Fertilization is optional, but it can encourage faster growth. If you choose to feed your Golden Crocodile, spring and summer are the best times (coinciding with longer days and increased light levels to help power healthy new growth). A general-purpose houseplant fertilizer is sufficient. Remember, less is always more – avoid over-fertilizing as it can damage the roots.


Pruning Needs

You shouldn't need to prune your Golden Crocodile except to remove any old leaves as they naturally age out.

Note: This plant may have some natural degree of toxicity and may cause discomfort or illness if ingested. Additionally, exposure to the sap of this plant may cause discomfort to individuals with a sensitivity to it upon contact. Grown for ornamental purposes and not intended for human or animal consumption.

  • Water

    Medium water needs

  • Light

    Indoors: High light

    Indoors: Medium light

  • Colors


  • Special Features

    Colorful foliage

    Super-easy to grow

Complement your Golden Crocodile Philodendron

Painted Lady Philodendron
Complement Golden Crocodile's bright color with the golden-yellow variegated new growth of Painted Lady Philodendron.

Neon Pothos
Neon Pothos also gives you a similar color but on a climbing plant. Both Neon and Golden Crocodile like the same growing environment.

Raven ZZ
Contrast Golden Crocodile's foliage with the dark, purple-black tones of Raven ZZ.